It Takes a Hive
My friends Betty Tsosie and Mark Chalom have a house on Lake Abiquiu. One day this spring, a swarm of bees showed up looking for a new home. A relative brought a hive box and the rest is history. Betty took this photo as the bees were coming home after a long day in the field office. Look at the leg sacs laden with pollen! These sacs can hold a million grains of pollen and are filled by the bee as he travels around your garden. This is Mother Nature at her most glorious.....why would you disrespect this magical process by using pesticides and weed killers!? Bend over, pull weeds. Put on gloves, pick off pests. Open a book, read about companion planting. These little sacs of wonder carried by these little hulks feed our planet. It is all about love!
Volunteer Johnny Jump Ups from my early spring garden 2016. Thousands of them from one plant that must have released a lot of seeds last fall!