In-Person Group Classes

There is really nothing like the collective energy and vibration of a group movement class! Even though I am not back teaching in any huge public venues, there are still ways to enjoy a group class with me either in my studio or in town at Movement Forward Studio, 1418 Luisa Street #7. These classes are for all levels as I always offer myriad modifications, challenges, and permission to rest!

To sign up or drop-in for any of the below classes or to be on the wait list for the Tuesday morning class, please email me at:


Fitness Yoga Combo 9am - 10:30am…$20…MY HOME STUDIO…Class FULL

A little bit of fitness, a little bit of yoga, a little bit of dance, a little bit of gait training, a little bit of balance, a little bit of core, a little bit of stretching, a little bit of bone building, and a lot of great music and laughter! We use chairs, blankets, blocks, bands, rollers, fitballs, 9” balls, tennis balls, straps, bands, bolsters, wall ropes and the wall. All props are provided. For all levels. Note…there are times when regular students travel for weeks at a time. If you are interested in being on the “occasional” list, please let me know!

WEDNESDAY: January 8 - March 19, 2025

Feldenkrais 10am - 11am…MY HOME STUDIO & ZOOM…Donation

Feldenkrais group classes are called Awareness Through Movement. These lessons use slow, mindful movements to achieve powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility, and holistic integration of body and mind…these lessons tie directly into functional movements of daily life, such as walking, reaching, turning, getting up and down from a chair or the floor, lifting objects, improving posture in sitting or standing….and so much more! These two offering are HYBRID classes. You can join in person or join via Zoom.

THURSDAY: 1418 Luisa Street #7 or Zoom

Between the Blades 9:30am -10:30am…January 16 - February 13…5 class pass $80…Drop-In $20

Half Feldenkrais and half yoga therapy...this class focuses on the upper back and neck. 

The Living Body…9:30am - 10:30am…February 20 - March 20…5 Class Pass $80…Drop-in $20

A combo class that incorporates the magic of Feldenkrais, the breath and movement teachings of yoga, and a dash of strength training. A well rounded exploration of human movement and resilience.