November 1 - November 8, 2025
$2750 Double Occupancy  •   $3500 Single Occupancy
What's Included:
7 nights/8 days  • Beachfront hotel
  Two meals per day  • Two classes per day  • Airport shuttle

We stay at Casa Manzanilla
a beautiful gem of a hotel in
Troncones, Mexico



You take class with Zoreh and me! Please click this LINK to sign up!


We practice yoga twice a
day at Yoga Del Pacifico


Where we restore and rejuvenate….




We eat local food cooked to perfection...

let the sound of the waves be our guide during pranayama…


and sometimes, we even hang upside down.

During the middle of the day,
we went kayaking where freshwater meets the sea…

or went shopping in
Troncones or Zihuatanejo…


We even communed with baby sea turtles
and then set them free.

Sometimes we just walked
three miles of uninterrupted beach
on Manzanillo Bay.


But…the real heart of a yoga retreat
are the people and the
significant relationships that blossom.

 So, we are going again in 2025! 


"During my stay, everything worked its magic on me - the location, the people in the group, the yoga, the ocean, and most of all, Lisa. I came home a healthier person, both physically and mentally. What a gift I gave my self! Many many thanks!"         ~Janet H.

"Thanks for bringing such a great group to such a beautiful place at such an important time. I really appreciated your attention to detail and the care you showed with each person at every level."        ~Suzan Z.

"Thank you for coaxing us out of our comfort box and opening up a marvelous experience…six times!”  ~Kathy and Gene

For more information or to sign up, please contact me.