In-Person Group Classes 

There is really nothing like the collective energy and vibration of a group movement class! Even though I am not back teaching in any huge public venues, there are still ways to enjoy a group class with me either in my studio or in town at Movement Forward Studio, 1418 Luisa Street #7.

MOVEMENT FORWARD STUDIO, 1418 Luisa Street #7……….Thursdays October 5, 12, 19, 26………Feldenkrais 9:30am - 10:30am, The Living Body (Feldenkrais, Yoga, Strength), 11am - noon, The Mobile Spine (Feldenkrais, Yoga Therapy, Dance) 1:30pm - 2:30pm, Restoration Moves (Yoga Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Constructive Rest) 3pm - 4pm

LISA’S HOME STUDIO……….Tuesdays, 9am - 10:15am MT…CLASS FULL…$20 per class

LISA’S HOME STUDIO……….Wednesdays, 11:00am - 12:00pm MT….Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement….WIth Hybrid Zoom Option….by donation per class

Another way to participate is by joining one of my online classes that have been in session via Zoom since April of 2020; find out more about my Zoom Classes here. If you would like to gather a group of your friends and have a class tailored to your tribe, here is a list of ideas for class theme or concentration. Feel free to propose a subject of exploration that is not listed! All classes are 75 minutes long.

Class Ideas

Gentle Yoga Vinyasa Yoga Restorative Yoga
Yoga for Arthritis Sciatica/Piriformis Neck and Shoulders
Build Your Bones Back Care Scoliosis
Flexibility Hip Mobility and Stability Balance
Core Fit Ball Fitness Upper Body Strength
Cancer Restoration Fitness Stretch & Tone Hands & Feet
Fitness: Whole Body Workout Yoga: The Basics Chair Fitness
Chair Yoga Fitness: Fun with Props Yoga: Learn to Modify All Postures
Fitness & Yoga Gentle Rhythmic Yoga Yoga For A Healthy Spine
Not So Gentle Yoga With A Chair